
Khamis, November 24, 2016


Hi, lama sangat tak kemaskini blog...  apa plak nk cakap kali ni....

Bab-bab nk bercakap ni kena la susun ayat-ayat dulukan.... bak kata pepatah telajak perahu boleh undur, telajak kata binasa... lebih kurang macam tu la kan bunyinya... kena ke tak tau dengan ap y nk ckp ni...bedal jew...

Okey, kita terus ke topik kali ini iaitu tentang perfume yang berjaya memikat diri saya untuk membeli, memcuba dan memakainya setiap kali keluar umah mahupun setiap kali lepas mandi...
Perfume yang saya cakapkan adalah jenama dari L'ORCHIDA... 

L'ORCHIDA merupakan jenama perfume yang mempunyai haruman-haruman yang di inspirasi dari bau-bau antarabangsa.. L'ORCHIDA mempunyai lima bau yang mana mempunyai keunikan dan daya tarikan yang tersendiri... Kenapa ada lima saja? Ini kerana dari apa yang diperkatakan oleh owner produk, mereka telah membuat survey bau-bau yang diminati oleh pengguna dan mendapati lima bau ni mendapat feedback yang baik dan dengan itu L'ORCHIDA mengeluarkan lime bauan buat masa ini disamping mencari bauan yang diminati untuk dipasarkan dalam pasaran di masa akan datang...

Lima bau yang saya maksudkan adalah:
1. Versace Blue Jeans 
2.Paco Rabanne One Million
3. Britney Island Fantasy
4. Chloe Woman
5. L'O Sensual

Bau yang menarik hati saya adalah versace blue jeans. Dimana bau ni khas utk lelaki dan baunya xkuat sangat...
Macamana dengan ketahanan pulak???

Alhamdulillah setakat ini, penggunaan perfume ini dapat bertahan dari pagi smpai habis kerja.. Yang membuat saya yakin juga adalah dengan cara packaging L'ORCHIDA itu sendri... kotak yang menarik ditambah pula kotak diwrap dengan plastik memyakinkan bahawa produk tak penah dibuka... disitu kita dapat lihat kualiti dijaga dengan baik....
Rasanya ckup la saya bercakap kali ini... panjang2 pom orang xkn baca sampai habis plak..... jadi yang berminat boleh tengok facebook L'Orchida... link disediakan dibawah....


Nanti kalau ada produk yang best-best saya share lagi yer...
Terima Kasih

Ahad, Ogos 14, 2016

TM D Bundle Shop

Hi, all, long time no see..

A  bit long i not write here. due to i am not in front keyboard although i can write through phone. Now, about the title that it said is TM D Bundle Shop.. What is THAT???  what u all can picture it already said about shop.. so it might be a shop that i want to share about.

Yeah.. you all right.. it about a shop that have been establish in fasting month this year. What is inside of this shop what matter that i want to share about.. First lets me explain about what the TM D Bundle Shop mean. "TM" mean Tanah Merah, a place that located in state of Kelantan. Capital "D" mean Dockers... and the rest you all know it right.. 

So, what is the product of this shop?

TM D Bundle Shop is a shop that focus on delivering Dockers product that more on BUNDLE  product. All it product have been choose for quality for it customers. So, that customers just have to choose their size and what color that they interested with. We make it easier for you all to choose because of the quality is confirm tip top. What make interesting is that in this shop also have the original product of Dockers. link to this shop will be provided below.. you all can click it and see the shop. All details is in the link.

I think that all for today. hope u all can like the shop page and share for other known about it..



Rabu, Mac 16, 2016

Kung Fu Panda 3

Hi, we met again to describe on new movie that give inspiration and motivation to me ang others i think... i dont want to get detail on the plot or the animation... i just want to talk about moral story that i get from watching this movie..

So what the moral we can learn???? First of all is about trust... trust is a general word that describe many thing... in this movie it show that we need to trust other people in doing new things... it doesnt matter that he or she do not good on the first try just give to them time to get used to it...

Second, it about family, friendship... this moral are so use in movies but animation is the best ways to express it... such in this movie... the big family of give a warm feeling looking them like that...

I will not touch many moral value, just take what i think is huge to society.. this last one is big, no matter how good you is there will be a better person that will beyond your capability.. but respect is the main thing in life...

Rabu, Mac 09, 2016

Best MMORPG so far i played Mo Siang online

How to begin...
So far i have try palying many but not all MMORPG yet not event single had give me pleasure went get along in the game except this one.. it called Mo Siang Online... so far for me it the best based on controlling skill, develop character and gameplay... but the best part is about leveling, it give me great time leveling up the character when killing mob in each map.... i event can spend 10 to 12 hours siting in front of computer leveling up my character level and skill...the ways guilds and member communicating with each other make us more closed... nothing much i can talk about, just want to told about this excitement from Mo Siang... Now days, Mo Siang just not like it used to be, full of bug and maintenance is worse with no update and so ever... what i hope is that someday, there are developer can develop as similar to Mo Siang so that i can get my enthusiasm to play again.. that all guys...

Isnin, November 09, 2015

Spectre 007

Spectre adalah filem James Bond y baru dtayangkn 5hb nov 2015 yang diarahkan oleh Sam Mendes yang kembali ke tempat duduk pengarah selepas Skyfall dan ia dibintangi Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Lea Seydoux antara lain termasuk Dave Bautista, Ralph Fiennes, dan Ben Whishaw. Plot dalam Daniels Craig filem 4 sebagai Bond mengikutinya menghadapi selepas peristiwa Skyfall dan dia akhirnya mendedahkan kewujudan sebuah organisasi jahat dipanggil SPECTRE manakala M yang baru bergelut dengan kuasa-kuasa politik dan Bond mendapati sambungan mengejutkan antara dirinya dan tengah-tengah SPECTRE.

filem ini dibayangi dengan  kejayaan Skyfall. Lagu tema tidak banyak berbanding dengan Skyfall tetapi visual dalam teater dengan watak-watak dari filem Bond lain yang dibuat ia menarik saya rasa. Pembuat filem cuba untuk mengatakan bahawa SPECTRE bertanggungjawab untuk beberapa perkara yang berlaku di Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace dan Skyfall dan watak Chrtioph Waltz yang lurus berkata "Ia adalah saya James, ia adalah saya, 

Pembukaan di Bandar Raya Mexico adalah yang ditembak dan tari manakala tindakan sepanjang filem ini adalah benar-benar menghiburkan. Selain menyeronokkan, ini juga mempunyai jenis Bond klasik dalam filem ni walaupun telah ditetapkan dalam zaman moden. Kostume dlm perarakan amat menarik sekali... penglibatan batista dlm filem ini jgak menrik dgn adegan pegelutan di atas keretapi y hampir klahkn james... 

Keseluruhan: Spectre masih menawarkan filem Bond hebat dengan tindakan yang menyeronokkan dan pengembalian ciri-ciri baik untuk super-peminat tetapi saya faham mengapa sesetengah pengkritik tidak suka ia- Saya rasa bagi saya rating y sy bagi - 3.5/5

Sabtu, November 07, 2015

Polis EVO

Filem y byak aksi dri bdialoq... wtak pjnyah y mantap...suka ak wtak kpla geng jhat...nice try dri filem Malaysia... t lah edit lg tuk tmbah pndgan ak...

Jumaat, Oktober 30, 2015

The Last Witch Hunter

Hi guys, today i will review about new release movie.. i just got time to saw this movie with my friends at midnight show at GSC Paradigm.. this time movie will be review in English. and sorry if my English not perfect.

So about this new movie, as we know that famous actor play the main role in this movie, that is Vin Diesel. as we know that Vin Diesel is a actor that played many character in movie. in every movie that he played he shown his character almost the same as he played but as Groot because using his voice..  what i talking about is about the movie title The last Witch Hunter. Vin Diesel play as Kaulder that react as weapon to the group name Axes and Cross but before the Axes and Cross created what make it began is where Kaulder and his group that look like viking/barbarian that reach the witch queen nest. i will not describe how the nest but at the nest Kaulder get a chance to kill the queen and get a curse that he will live immortal and alone forever. 

Until the 36th Dolan, Kaulder live and hunt the witch that try the dark magic and he meet Belial. from that the 36th Dolan get kill and the 37th Dolan have been appoint. But on the ways to get back the Dolan killer, Kaulder know that 36th Dolan is still alive but in deep sleep with magic. only he get to kill the killer the Dolan will get on his feet again but in a matter on time only.

I as a movie lover can tell which movie that this actor played well and otherwise. but it just my opinion and my observation from outside the film industries. In this movie, what come to my mind is the comparison between Vin Diesel character in this movies and others such as Riddick.. although in this movie the action pack is not what i expected but and now days the twist plot is what will appear in movies. Same goes to this movies, that i will not disclose. what can i say, this movie may got part 2 due to what happen in the end of the movie. what i can say that Vin Diesel/Kaulder killed the Witch Queen two time. How that happen??? you guys must go to nearest cinema buy ticket and watch the movie. My rating is 3,5 over 5..